Like Citizen Kane (1941) before it, Nixon traces the dramatic rise and fall of a historical figure who tried so hard to be loved by all but ended up being infamous and misunderstood. While Orson Welles’ film was a thinly-veiled attack on newspaper tycoon, William Randolph Hearst, Stone paints an almost sympathetic portrayal of Richard Nixon (Anthony Hopkins). Stone may not like Nixon personally, but he does try to explore what motivated the man’s actions and really get inside his head. The director even throws in a stylistic nod to Kane as part of the opening credits play over a shot of a dark and stormy night at the White House. The camera moves through the fence in a way that evokes the opening of Welles’ film with Kane’s imposing estate. And like Welles’ film, Nixon employs a flashback device as Nixon listens to the Watergate tapes and reflects on his life, from his tough childhood in Whittier, California, to his beleaguered political career that culminates with his tumultuous stint in the White House.
The first real indication of Stone’s thesis of the political system as a wild, untamable animal comes when Nixon talks to FBI director J. Edgar Hoover (Bob Hoskins) at a horse race about running for President. There are all kinds of shots of horses snorting wildly – the first hint, visually, of what Stone is trying to get at. Hoover makes it known that he will support Nixon if he, in turn, supports him, and is willing to supply him with dirt on Robert Kennedy to help the cause. Hoover makes an intriguing comment when he tells Nixon, “I look at it from the point of view that the system can only take so much abuse. It adjusts itself eventually ... But there are times there are savage outbursts.” He cites Martin Luther King’s promiscuity and continues, “Sometimes the system comes very close to cracking.” The implication in this scene is that Hoover is a significant cog in the United States political machine and one that Nixon must respect and work with.
The second significant example where Stone gives support to his thesis is when Nixon meets with Richard Helms (Sam Waterston), director of the CIA. Like Hoover, Helms is a powerful man within the system because he knows and protects so many of its dirty little secrets. They get to talking about Cuba and Nixon’s involvement to assassinate Fidel Castro, which Helms has evidence of via memos. He refers to it as “not an operation so much as an organic phenomenon. It grew. It changed shape. It developed appetites.” Helms is fiercely protective of his position and of the CIA, resisting Nixon’s request for incriminating documents. Where Hoover is portrayed as gruff and obvious, Helms is elusive and distant, played with icy intensity by Sam Waterston.

Protester: You can’t stop it can you? Even if you wanted to. ‘Cause it’s notyou, it’s the system. The system won’t let you stop it.Nixon: There’s more at stake here then what you want or what I want.Protester: Then what’s the point? What’s the point of being President?You’re powerless!Nixon: No. No, I’m not powerless. ‘Cause I understand the system. Ibelieve I can control it. Maybe not control it totally but tame itenough to do some good.Protester: Sounds like you’re talking about a wild animal.Nixon: Maybe I am.
Of this scene, Stone has said that Nixon realizes that the system is “more powerful than he is. We can’t get into it that much, but we hint at it so many times – the military-industrial complex, the forces of money.” Stone’s film argues that Nixon really did want to institute change and make a difference in the world, but his own shortcomings, coupled with the complex infrastructure that is the United States political system, ultimately led to his downfall. Stone and the screenwriters conceived of the concept of the political system as “the beast,” which one of the film’s screenwriters Christopher Wilkinson described as “a headless monster that lurches through postwar history,” and served as a metaphor for a system of dark forces that resulted in the assassinations of the Kennedy brothers and Martin Luther King, and the Vietnam War, as well as helping Nixon’s rise to power and his fall from it. In an interview, Stone elaborated further. He saw “the beast” as a “system ... which grinds the individual down ... it’s a system of checks and balances that drives itself off: 1) the power of money and markets; 2) state power, government power; 3) corporate power, which is probably greater than state power; 4) the political process, or election through money, which is therefore in tow to the system; and 5) the media, which mostly protects the status quo and their ownership’s interests.”

Opposite Hopkins is Joan Allen as Pat Nixon. She more than holds her own with the Academy Award-winning thespian, portraying Pat as a long suffering yet incredibly strong-willed wife who has to sit by and watch her husband strive for unattainable goals. There’s a scene where she reacts in private to her husband losing the 1960 Presidential election to John F. Kennedy and she looks visibly upset, wiping away tears while trying to maintain her composure. In the following scene with her husband, Pat tells him about the toll his political career is taking on their family, which comes across as quite touching. Tears well up in Pat’s eyes as she consoles her husband while he looks tired and defeated. It’s a wonderfully intimate moment that humanizes both of them considerably. All of the scenes between Allen and Hopkins crackle with a kind of tangible intensity as we see the toll politics takes on them. This is not one of those token wife roles that is so often seen in these kinds of films. The well-written screenplay and Allen’s performance flesh out Pat Nixon into a three-dimensional character.

Originally, Stone had been developing two projects – the musical Evita (1996) and a film about Panamanian dictator Manuel Noriega. When they both failed to get made, he turned his attention to a biopic about Nixon with the president’s death in April 1994 being a key factor in the director’s decision. The project actually originated with Eric Hamburg, a former speechwriter and staff member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, after having dinner with Stone. In 1993, Hamburg mentioned the idea to writer Steve Rivele with the concept being that they would incorporate all of Nixon’s misdeeds, both known and speculative. Hamburg encouraged Rivele to write a screenplay with his partner Christopher Wilkinson. They wrote a treatment in November 1993. In it was the concept of the political system as a beast and this is what convinced Stone to get involved. He immersed himself in research with the help of Hamburg.
Stone commissioned the first draft of the film’s screenplay from Rivele and Wilkinson and it was completed on June 17, 1994, the anniversary of the Watergate break-in. The script was based on research from various sources, including documents, transcripts and hours of footage from the Nixon White House. Early on, Rivele and Wilkinson hated Nixon but the longer they worked on the film, and “the more we knew about him, our contempt was slowly eroded to the point where we more than pitied him, we empathized with him.” Stone structured his film into two acts with the first one about Nixon’s loss of power and the second one about Nixon in power only to lose it again.
Stone pitched the project to Warner Bros. but, according to the director, they saw it “as a bunch of unattractive older white men sitting around in suits, with a lot of dialogue and not enough action.” They also didn’t agree with Stone’s choice to play Nixon – Anthony Hopkins. Instead, they wanted Tom Hanks or Jack Nicholson – two of Stone’s original choices and both of whom had passed on the role. Stone even met with Warren Beatty but the actor wanted to make too many changes to the script. Stone went with Hopkins based on his performances in Remains of the Day (1993) and Shadowlands (1993). The director remembered, “the isolation of Tony is what struck me. The loneliness. I felt that was the quality that always marked Nixon.” Upon meeting Stone for the first time, Hopkins saw the director as “one of the great bad boys of American pop culture, and I might be a fool to walk away.” He was convinced that to take on such a challenging role that would require him to “impersonate the soul of Nixon” by the scenes in the film when he talks about his mother and father. “That affected me,” he said. To prepare for the role, Hopkins watched a lot of documentary footage on Nixon. At night, he would go to sleep with footage playing so that it would seep into his subconscious.

Stone’s producing partner and financier Arnold Milchan had a deal with the director to make any film he wanted up to a budget of $42.5 million but refused to honor their agreement, saying that he would put up no more than $35 million because he felt Nixon was an uncommercial project. Stone refused to make the film with that budget and a week before shooting was to begin he approached Hungarian financier Andrew Vajna who had a co-financing deal with Disney’s Hollywood Pictures. At the time, Vajna was hoping to get some respectability in Hollywood and possibly an Academy Award and agreed to provide the $43 million budget. In order to cut costs, Stone leased the White House sets from The American President (1995).

What is perhaps most stunning about Nixon is the style of the film. Employing the editing techniques and innovative camerawork he perfected in JFK and Natural Born Killers (1994), Stone created a unique version of the historical biopic that combines actual documentary footage with fictional material and that blends various film stocks in attempt to shed light on a figure most people knew very little about. This fractured, overtly stylized approach suggests that we are seeing historical events through the prism of Nixon’s perspective. The film is not meant to be the definitive word on the man but rather, as Stone said in an interview, the “basis to start reading, to start investigating on your own.”
Stone had his editors in three different rooms with the scenes from the film revolving from one room to another, “depending on how successful they were.” If one editor wasn’t successful with a scene it went to another. Stone said it was “the most intense post- I’ve ever done, even more intense than JFK” because he was screening the film three times a week, making changes in 48 to 72 hours, rescreening the film and then making another 48 hours of changes.

Despite lackluster box office results, Nixon was generally well-received by critics. Roger Ebert praised the film for how it took "on the resonance of classic tragedy. Tragedy requires the fall of a hero, and one of the achievements of Nixon is to show that greatness was within his reach.” The New York Times’ Janet Maslin praised Anthony Hopkins' performance and "his character's embattled outlook and stiff, hunched body language with amazing skill.” However, in his review for the San Francisco Chronicle, Mick LaSalle felt that "the problem here isn't accuracy. It's absurdity. Hopkins' exaggerated portrayal of Nixon is the linchpin of a film that in its conception and presentation consistently veers into camp.” Time magazine’s Richard Corliss also had a problem with Hopkins' portrayal: "Hopkins, though, is a failure. He finds neither the timber of Nixon's plummy baritone, with its wonderfully false attempts at intimacy, nor the stature of a career climber who, with raw hands, scaled the mountain and was still not high or big enough."
Nixon is a powerful historical biopic – arguably the last great film Oliver Stone has made to date. It is also, coincidentally (or maybe not), the last film he and regular collaborator Robert Richardson made together. The legendary cinematographer was as much responsible for defining the distinctive style of Stone’s films as the director himself. Stone’s work has never been the same since they parted company. Nixon was also the last time he had enough juice in Hollywood to command such an impressive cast of actors. Admittedly, Hollywood has changed considerably since this film was made and Stone has had to adapt with the times but hopefully he has another great film like Nixon left in him.
Carnes, Mark C. "Past Imperfect: History According to the Movies." Cineaste XXII Fall 1996.
Carr, Jay. "Perfectly Clear." Boston Globe. December 17, 1995.
Fuchs, Cindy. "Nixon." Philadelphia City Paper. December 28, 1995 – January 4, 1996.
Hamburg, Eric. JFK, Nixon, Oliver Stone & Me. Public Affairs. 2002.
McGuire, Stryker; David Ansen. "Hollywood's Most Controversial Director Oliver Stone Takes on Our Most Controversial President Richard Nixon." Newsweek. December 11, 1995.
Sharrett, Christopher. "Nixon." Cineaste. Winter 1996.
Smith, Gavin. "The Dark Side." Sight and Sound. March 1995.
Weinraub, Bernard. "Professor Stone Resumes His Presidential Research." The New York Times. December 17, 1995.
Weiskind, Ron. "Hopkins Takes Presidential Duties Seriously." Pittsburgh Post-Gazette. December 24, 1995.
Wilner, Norman. "Richard Nixon Gets Stoned." Toronto Star. December 15, 1995.
Kit, Zorianna. "Stars Come Out for Hollywood Premiere." Toronto Sun. October 29, 1995.
I've always been intrigued by Nixon. He's a fascinating individual whether someone likes him or not. Plus he was the President when I was born so I've always wanted to learn more about him.
ReplyDeleteI'm a Nixon freak and while I thought Hopkins miscast, I think he nailed the personality, like Jason Lee in DRAGON. I actually don't like the Joan Allen scenes because it's too much of "Why are you doing this" nonsense they give to wives and girlfriends. But it's a fascinating film.
ReplyDeleteIt seemed important to the story that Nixon couldn't grasp the true nature of "the Beast" because of his resentment of the Eastern elites, but it wasn't clear whether "the Beast" actually misdirects the resentments of people like Nixon. There did seem to be an implication that there were people who did a better job of riding "the Beast" than Nixon, as when he confronts some wealthy backers and threatens them with price controls, etc., only to have to back down later. "The Beast" may not be the most brilliant bit of political analysis, but it does make Nixon a far more nuanced film than JFK and may more closely represent Stone's own point of view than his adaptation of assassination mythology.
ReplyDeleteI've never been all that fascinated with Nixon per se but Stone's film really created a compelling portrait of the man and the times he lived in.
Agreed, Hopkins really captured the spirit of the man in a way that went beyond simple mimicry which would have been the kiss of death.
I guess we'll agree to disagree on the Joan Allen scenes. Also, I think she was there to represent his mother who presence continued to haunt him even after she died.
Visually, this film is amazing and Richardson's cinematography is top notch. He shoulda won the Academy Award fer it.
Samuel Wilson:
I don't know if "the Beast" misdirected Nixon's resentments but I think that it shows him falling afoul of it. He is able to grapple and kind of control it for awhile but is ultimately taken down because of his own mistakes. At least, that was my take on it.
And you're right about NIXON being more nuanced but I think that's also because JFK is more of a thriller and also I think that the script is stronger for NIXON. Some of the themes, etc. that Stone was wrestling with in JFK, I think he had finally figured out in more detail and conveyed more coherently in NIXON.
J.D. your wonderfully in-depth look back at this film has caused me to finally queue this up. It's likely I've held off watching this because I grew up through the 60-70's and experienced the after-effects of what's portrayed here. But, I give you credit for presenting it in a manner that makes me want to experience this. While I'm at it, I might as well do W., too. Thanks for this.
ReplyDeletep.s., since my cousin lives there, she'd never forgive me if I didn't point out one typo: it's Whittier with an 'h' :-).
ReplyDeleteThanks for the kind words, my friend. It is quite a film and maybe my fave Stone film... even over JFK. It really depends on my mood. It is all how Stone depicts the events and the people that makes it so interesting and dynamic, IMO. I'm ashamed to say that I haven't watched W. yet. Must do that soon.
Also, thanks for spotting the typo. I'll fix that.
I have to thank you once again for showing me the cut with the Watterson bit restored. My favorite moment of the film follows from that. During the sequence, as Helms is dealing with his flowers, Nixon mentions he'd never liked them-because of all the funerals of his youth, they reminded him of death. And at the end of the film, as he's leaving the White House, he pauses, leans over, and lightly sniffs some flowers in a vase. Sort of heartbreaking, until you remember his record and what he set in motion. What gets me about this film is that it's a very sympathetic portrayal of Nixon the man, not Nixon the President.
ReplyDeleteAlso, I once had an e-mail exchange with David Edelstein where he advised me not to mention this as one of my favorite biopics if I wanted to be taken seriously.
Also, the last time I heard Whittier mentioned was a report that a destitute Tom Sizemore was living in a garage there. I think he's worked since then, and not just in his unintentionally hilarious "porn."
ReplyDeleteYeah, the Waterston bit is excellent and he plays Helms as quite chilling. There's that quick shot of Helms with pitch black eyes that creeps me out every time.
I agree with you about how Nixon is portrayed and is one of the things that makes the film so memorable.
And of course, how can you not like a film that features Powers Boothe as Al Haig? ; )