I've decided to organize all of the posts that I have found, either over time or that were submitted, by film. That way, you can go to a specific film and see what others thought of it. As links are submitted I will put a date in brackets next to them to connote when they have been recently added. I also plan to accept links and articles all through this week so if you are still working on something and want send me your review, by all means go right ahead. Enjoy!
I also would like to give a special mention to Piper over at the Lazy Eye Theatre blog. He organized and hosted a John Carpenter Blogathon back in 2007 that actually inspired me to do one of my own this year. Click on the above link and check out all the great contributions.
Also, you can vote for your two favorite Carpenter films at the poll located on the right side of this blog.
Dark Star:
"Dark Star" by Alex at Film Forager.
"In memory of that gifted architect of modern sci-fi, Dan O'Bannon" by Daily P.O.P. at The Daily P.O.P.
Assault on Precinct 13:
"Assault on Precinct 13" by Aaron at The Death Rattle.
"For Your Consideration: A Zombie Western" by Piper at Lazy Eye Theatre.
"Behind the Scenes With My Favorite Actors: Austin Stoker in John Carpenter's Assault on Precinct 13" by Jeremy Richey at Moon in the Gutter.
"Only Men Who Follow Orders" by Peter Lenihan at The Shock of Glimpsing. (added Oct. 8)

"Halloween" by Shaun Anderson at The Celluloid Highway.
"He came home 30 years ago today" by Edward Copeland at Edward Copeland on Film.
"Evil Cannot Die -- It'll Just Scare the Seeds out of Your Pumpkin: John Carpenter's Halloween (1978)" by W.B. Kelso at Scenes from the Morgue: Retro-Pulp Ads. (added Oct. 5)
"Images from My All-Time Favorite Films: John Carpenter's Halloween" by Jeremy Richey.
"Mark Kermode Interviewing John Carpenter on Halloween" by Jeremy Richey.
The Fog:

"The Fog" by Bryce Wilson at Things That Don't Suck.
"30th Anniversary of John Carpenter's The Fog" by John Eaves at Eavesdropping with Johnny.
"The Fog" by Neil Fulwood at The Agitation of the Mind.
"The Fog" by Sean Gill at Junta Juleil's Culture Shock.
"The Fog" by J.D. (added Oct. 3)
"Favourite Movie Scenes: The Fog" by Richard at Blah! Movie Edition. (added Oct. 4)
"Trailer Park: What You Can't See Might Kill You" by W.B. Kelso at 3B Theater: Micro-Brewed Reviews. (added Oct. 5)
"The Fog" by Colonel Mortimer at Colonel Mortimer Will Have His Revenge. (added Oct. 8)
"'Are You Weird?' The Fog" by Erich Kuersten at Acidemic - Film. (added Oct. 8)
"There's something in the fog!" by Andreas at Pussy Goes Grrr. (added Oct. 9)
Escape from New York:
"Escape from New York" by Alex.
"Nostalgia Gets Me Every Time: Escape from New York" by Scott Brothers at Catalogue of Curiosities.
"Escape from New York" by Sean Gill.
"Celebrating the Escape Artist - John Carpenter" by le0pard13 at Lazy Thoughts from a Boomer. (added Oct. 4)
"Escape from New York" by Aaron. (added Oct. 6)
"Operation Screenshot (Films of the Eighties): John Carpenter's Escape From New York" by Jeremy Richey. (added Oct. 7)
"Escape from New York: the Board Game?" by J.D. (added Oct. 7)
"Cult Movie Review: Escape from New York" by John Kenneth Muir at John Kenneth Muir's Reflections on Film/TV. (added Oct. 8)
The Thing:
"Personal Faves: The Thing" by Neil Fulwood.
"The Thing" by Sean Gill.
"hawks/carpenter/lovecraft" by Andreas. (added Oct. 4)
"the thing about The Thing" by Tommy Salami at Pluck You, Too!!! (added Oct. 5)
"Behind the Scenes with My Favorite Actors: Kurt Russell in The Thing" by Jeremy Richey.
"31 Days of Horror: Day 7: The Thing" by Bryce Wilson. (added Oct. 7)
"Saturday Afternoon Matinee '82" by Christian Divine at Technicolor Dreams.
"24 Frames: The Thing" by Colonel Mortimer. (added Oct. 9)
"Some Things Can't Be Helped" by Mr. Peel at Mr. Peel's Sardine Liqueur.
"Christine" by Shaun Anderson.
"A jealous redhead with a big set of headlights" by Tommy Salami.
"31 Days of Horror: Day 8: Christine" by Bryce Wilson. (added Oct. 8)
"The 25th Anniversary of John Carpenter's Starman" by John Eaves.
"Starman" by Sci-Fi Fanatic at Musings of a Sci-Fi Fanatic. (added Oct. 7)
Big Trouble in Little China:
"Big Trouble in Little China" by Bryce Wilson.
"Big Trouble in Little China" by Aaron.
"Order Out of Chaos" by Mr. Peel.
"Music Review: Big Trouble in Little China" by Sean Gill.
"Big Trouble in Little China" by Sean Gill.
"Big Trouble in Little China" by J.D.
Prince of Darkness:
"Prince of Darkness" by Francisco Gonzalez at The Film Connoisseur.
"Prince of Darkness" by Bryce Wilson.
"Not At All What We Had In Mind" by Mr. Peel.
"Prince of Darkness" by Sean Gill.
"Prince of Darkness" by J.D.
"A Real Horror Show" by Piper.
"Hello Darkness, My Old Friend" by Jeff Allard at Dinner With Max Jenke. (added Oct. 8)
"Prince of Darkness" by Chris Voss at Celluloid Moon. (added Oct. 8)
"Trace of Quatermass in Prince of Darkness..." by Chris Regan at Writer by Night. (added Oct. 9)
"Seven Ways to Go to Hell: The First Seven Shots of John Carpenter's Prince of Darkness" by Paul Anthony Johnson at Expressive Esoterica. (added Oct. 9)
They Live:
"They Live" by Sean Gill.
"They Live" by J.D.
"31 Days of Horror: Day 3: They Live" by Bryce Wilson. (added Oct. 4)
In the Mouth of Madness:
"In the Mouth of Madness" by A.J. MacReady at Horrorview.
"15 Anniversary of John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness" by John Eaves.
"In the Mouth of Madness" by Peter Lenihan.
"In the Mouth of Madness" by Sean Gill.
"In the Mouth of Madness" by J.D.
Village of the Damned:

"Village of the Damned" by Will at Secure Immaturity. (added Oct. 4)
"War Within the Mind: Two Looks at the Climax of Village of the Damned" by Chris Voss. (added Oct. 9)
Escape from L.A.:
"The Future Is Right Now" by Mr. Peel.
"Escape from L.A." by Sean Gill.
"Vampires" by by Neil Fulwood. (added Oct. 5)
"31 Days of Horror: Day 5: Vampires" by Bryce Wilson. (added Oct. 5)
"Vampires" by J.D. (added Oct. 8)
Ghosts of Mars:
"Ten Reasons Ghosts of Mars" by Erich Kuersten.
"Death Driving Ms. Henstridge" by Erich Kuersten.
"Ghost of Mars" by Aaron.
"Cult Movie Review: John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars (2001)" by John Kenneth Muir.
"Top Five John Carpenter Movies" by Aaron.
"The Best John Carpenter Themes/Soundtracks" by Chase Kahn at The Ludovico Technique.
"Top 10 John Carpenter Films" by Dan at Top 10 Films.
"The Ten best, worst, and underrated movies of John Carpenter" by Ryan Lambie at Den of Geek!
"The Resurrection of Broncho Billy" by Sean Gill.
"John Carpenter Poster Gallery" by Shaun Anderson.
"John Carpenter Fanfiction: CARPY & THE CAP'N- PART 1" by Sean Gill. (added Oct. 5)
"John Carpenter Fanfiction: CARPY & THE CAP'N- PART 2: Return to Port Reyes" by Sean Gill. (added Oct. 6)
"John Carpenter Fanfiction: CARPY & THE CAP'N- PART 3: Season of the Witch" by Sean Gill. (added Oct. 8)
"31 Days of Horror: Day 6: Cigarette Burns" by Bryce Wilson. (added Oct. 6)
"John Carpenter Q and A Day One: Argento, Laura Mars and Elvis" by Jeremy Richey.
"John Carpenter Q and A Day Two: Craven, Scar and Morricone" by Jeremy Richey.
"Works of Art - John Carpenter Film Posters" by le0pard13. (added Oct. 8)
"Cigarette Burns changed my life" by Sarah at Hold onto yr genre. (added Oct. 9)
"Music Review: WAITING OUT THE EIGHTIES: PART 1" by Sean Gill. (added Oct. 9)
Village of the Damned REPRESENT!
Awesome stuff! Gonna have to come back to check out the rest of these posts. My favorite, above all else, is Halloween.
ReplyDeleteMan! Do I have some reading cut out for me. Great stuff, J.D. Thanks for hosting this.
ReplyDeleteDamn that's a lot of stuff. Looks like I have a shit-load of reading to do. Great job on getting Carpenter week started with so much content, JD. Thanks for linking to my reviews and I will be keeping you updated on some reviews I'm planning this week. I'm leaning towards ELVIS and PRINCE OF DARKNESS, and maybe the ESCAPE movies. We'll see.
ReplyDeleteThank you!
Yeah, I love HALLOWEEN as well. Definitely one of JC's signature films.
You are welcome. Enjoy!
Yeah, I found some really great stuff in the blogosphere and then coupled with the submissions this week, we should have a great crop of reading material!
Thank you for contributing. I look forward to whatever you have in store.
Son of a...
ReplyDeleteMan, this is awesome.
I have nothing new to add, but I have some old posts on my most favorite director ever.
Assault On Precinct 13
Prince Of Darkness
ReplyDeleteHey there! Thanks for stopping by and for the links. I've added 'em!
You are going to build quite the extensive Carpenter linking library this week. Good luck with the Carpenter analysis this week J.D..
ReplyDeleteThe Sci-Fanatic:
ReplyDeleteThank you! Yes, I am trying my best to build up a comprehensive library of links to some truly memorable posts on JC's films. So far so good!
Yes! Glad to see one more person showed some Village of the Damned love!
ReplyDeleteI know! I was very impressed by that too.